Should Mariah Have Said No to Saudi Arabia?

Should Mariah Have Said No to Saudi Arabia?

Mariah Carey got a lot of criticism for her January 31, 2019 performance in Saudi Arabia. Human rights groups accused her of supporting a tyrant.

Sadly, this is nothing new for Mariah.

Another holiday with a Tyrant

As this video shows, Mariah has taken money on more than one occasion from known tyrants.

The first was in 2009 when she performed at a special party for one Muammar Gaddafi’s sons. She was far from alone in doing this. Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, Usher were just a few of the artists who accepted money from the Lybian leader.

WikiLeaks Blows the Whistle

These performances were a secret until WikiLeaks blew the whistle on them in 2011.

Almost right away, the artists apologized. Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, and Usher reportedly donated the money they made from their shows to charity.

I can find no evidence of Mariah doing the same.

These artists appear to have steered clear from giving similar performances for questionable leaders. Again, not so for Mariah.

Embarrassed and Horrified, But Not For Long

“Embarrassed and horrified.” That’s how Mariah described her reaction when WikiLeaks gave the details on her performance for Gaddafi.

In her statement, she seemed to put the blame on whoever booked the show, though she did admit that it was her responsibility to know who she was playing for.

Fast forward a couple of years, and Mariah was at it again. This time performing for Jose Eduardo dos Santos, the longtime president of Angola.

Said the Human Rights Foundation: “It is the sad spectacle of an international artist purchased by a ruthless police state to entertain and whitewash the father-daughter kleptocracy that has amassed billions in ill-gotten wealth while the majority of Angola lives on less than $2 a day,”

Nicki Minaj also performed for the dictator and was shockingly defensive of the leader and his billionaire daughter whom she praised as having “girl power.”

Should Mariah Have Said No to Saudi Arabia?

Should a different principle apply to artists than other business people?

If I was selling floor mops, and the Saudi Prince took a liking to my product, would the world criticize me for selling them to him? Artists like Mariah are selling music and tickets to their shows. How is that different?

The 64 Billion Dollar Entertainment Plan

MBR is spending a staggering 64 billion dollars on turning Saudi Arabia into an entertainment destination.

In that light, Mariah’s concert appears to be a giant “We are open for business” sign for the country.

This is where Mariah’s show becomes problematic. By appearing as the country’s first international female performer, she is tacitly endorsing the Crown Prince’s plan to create a more modern state.

Barely Scratching the Surface of the Reforms Needed

As this video shows, he’s a long way off.

The arrest, imprisonment, and brutal torture of Loujain al-Hathloul and others shows that MBS has another agenda. One that involves having absolute power, and the ongoing tyranny of the people of Saudi Arabia.

Amnesty International says that women drivers and a few reopened movie theaters “barely scratch the surface of the reform that Saudi Arabia needs.”

What Do You Think?

Should Mariah Have Said No to Saudi Arabia?

Are you a Mariah fan? Does this mean anything to you? Does it change the way you hear her songs?

Please let me know by leaving a comment.

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Source Articles

here are a few of my source articles for this video:

She Wanted to Drive, So Saudi Arabia’s Ruler Imprisoned and Tortured Her
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Human Rights Watch 

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Gaddafi Performance:

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