Battle of the #1 Hits Anniversary

Wednesday, May 27 at 7:30 pm, Live on Zoom and YouTube: Join us and celebrate the Battle of the #1 Hits Anniversary! We are live on Zoom, celebrating our One Year Anniversary since Steve and Ashley made their first appearance on YouTube, then our first live show before an audience at The Irv in downtown Toronto. Sign up to get an invite: Or Sign up at Eventbrite 2 Ways to Play Sign up in the …

MoreBattle of the #1 Hits Anniversary

Join Our Zoom FLASH Mob!

Make Zoom History! This Weds May 13 at 7:30 pm.

We’re going to attempt an audience flash mob with lights, to Queen’s “Somebody to Love”!

 Watch this video, then keep reading.

Now imagine 50 or more of us doing it!  I think we’ll look pretty epic.  We might even go viral!  I don’t know anyone else who has attempted this.

All you need is:

  • Your phone’s flashlight, or any bright light
  • A lighter or candle

It’s easy right?

It’s easy enough for you to learn on the spot, but if you have a minute to prepare, here are a few tips:

  1. Figure out which Group you’re in.
  • Group 1: First names A-F
  • Group 2: First names G-L
  • Group 3: First names M-R
  • Group 4: First names S-Z
  1. Follow my video guide for your cues.
  1. Keep the lights in the room low


It’s better to use your laptop webcam.  You can use your phone, but you might want it hands-free, like on a stand or propped up.  You’ll need a second light source like a flashlight or a second phone.

I want to get A LOT of people on this, at least 50.  So please please please join, and invite others to play!  I promise you’ll make a lot of people jealous!  Also, you’ll be making me so, so happy ❤ ❤ ❤

Ready to Join? Sign up!

We’ll send you the Zoom Meeting Code via email. We don’t share the code and password publicly. We like to keep the event among friends.

    You can also register on Eventbrite:

    Rock Star Feuds!

    Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 pm, Live on Zoom: Celebrate the Greatest Rock Star Feuds of all time! Register Now on Eventbrite! or sign up for an invite: The Zoom meeting will be password protected. Please pass on this invitation to your friends. For security reasons, we will need to register all players, parents and kids, in advance. Play Rock Star Feuds! Beatles vs Stones, Whitney vs Mariah, Blur vs Oasis, Backstreet Boys vs N’Sync, …

    MoreRock Star Feuds!

    Celebrate One Hit Wonders!

    Sign up for an Invite: Battle of the #1 Hits Presents One Hit Wonders

    Wednesday, April 29 at 7:30 pm, Live on Zoom: Celebrate One Hit Wonders, Vote on the greatest of all time! Register Now on Eventbrite! or sign up for an invite: The Zoom meeting will be password protected. Please pass on this invitation to your friends. For security reasons, we will need to register all players, parents and kids, in advance. Join the Fun! Singalong, laugh, win a prize, be LOUD at the Best Online & …

    MoreCelebrate One Hit Wonders!

    Kids Vs Parents for Best Songs!

    CHANGED: Tuesday April 21 at 7:30 pm, Live on Zoom: it’s Kids Kids Vs Parents for Best Songs! Register Now on Eventbrite! The Game We pick two songs and the audience votes on which song is the best. The player who comes closest to guessing how the audience voted, without going over, wins a prize. For instance, if it’s Lizzo “Truth Hurts” vs Billie Eillish “Bad Guy”, you might guess “Lizzo 58%” or “Billie 70%”. …

    MoreKids Vs Parents for Best Songs!

    Relive Your Wonder Years in Music

    Wednesday, April 15 at 7:30 pm, Live on Zoom: Relive Your Wonder Years in Music with the songs you loved when you were 12. Register Now on Eventbrite! That magical time You’re discovering music on your own. The world is opening up to you, and you’re not an angry, despressed teenager yet. Join the fun! The Zoom meeting will be password protected. Please pass on this invitation to your friends. For security reasons, we will …

    MoreRelive Your Wonder Years in Music

    Tiger King On Battle of the #1 Hits

    Wednesday April 1 at 7:30 pm, Battle Songs Live on Zoom!

    Join our email list for the meeting info:

      Play Battle of the #1 Hits with me on Zoom LIVE! Win $10 if you guess how the audience voted.

      Are You Team Joe Exotic, or Carole Baskin?

      It’s all about Tiger King! The best songs from Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin’s Big Cat Rescue.

      Vote for the best feline themed songs from David Bowie, Ted Nugent, The Cure, The Stray Cats, Katy Perry, just to name a few.

      Not to mention new classics like Joe’s “I Saw a Tiger” and Carole Baskin’s “Beautiful, Wild, and Free.”

      Battle Songs Live on Zoom

      My first solo attempt at hosting on Zoom. I tested all of the platforms and Zoom offers something truly unique. A much more engaging experience, and no lag! And yes, there’s a live poll and chat.

      How do I play?

      1. submit a song in the comments
      2. Join our email list to get the meeting code
      3. tune in Wednesday night at 7:30 pm
      4. wait for your song to go to battle with another player’s
      5. vote in the audience poll! If you can guess the poll result, win a prize!

      What is Battle of the #1 Hits?

      Battle of the #1 Hits is Toronto’s best Music Game Show.  Singalong, laugh, win a prize with an awesome group of people, share memories, and groove to your favourite hits.

      What’s Your Cat Song?

      It’s no secret that you’ll be voting on these songs:

      Tell us your Favourite Cast Song in the Comments!

      Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.
      And we are all over Instagram.

      Join us on Battle of the #1 Hits!

      Find out more about the show here:

      Lady Gaga Vs Ray Parker Jr

      Christina Aguilera Vs The Troggs

      Battle Songs Live on Zoom

      Wednesday March 25 at 7:30 pm, Battle Songs Live on Zoom! Join our email list for the meeting info: Play Battle of the #1 Hits with me on Zoom LIVE! Win $10 if you guess how the audience voted. I’ll be featuring your picks for best Pick-me-up, Battle Song! Let’s celebrate the songs that make us strong. And win a prize! Battle Songs Live on Zoom My first solo attempt at hosting on Zoom. I …

      MoreBattle Songs Live on Zoom

      Battle Songs Live on Facebook

      Banner ad for Battle of the #1 Hits on Facebook Live

      Saturday March 21 at 7:30 pm, Battle Songs Live on Facebook! Join Toronto Song Project Facebook page.

      Banner ad for Battle of the #1 Hits on Facebook Live

      Play Battle of the #1 Hits with me tonight on Facebook LIVE! Win $10 if you guess how the audience voted.

      I’ll be featuring your picks for best Pick-me-up, Battle Song! Let’s celebrate the songs that make us strong. And win a prize!

      Battle Songs Live on Facebook

      My first solo attempt at hosting on Facebook. I tested all of the platforms and Facebook has that Live poll that I just can’t resist.

      How do I play?

      1. submit a song in the comments
      2. follow the Toronto Song Project Facebook page
      3. tune in Saturday night at 7:30 pm
      4. wait for your song to go to battle with another player’s
      5. vote in the audience poll! If you can guess the poll result, win a prize!

      What is Battle of the #1 Hits?

      Battle of the #1 Hits is Toronto’s best Music Game Show.  Singalong, laugh, win a prize with an awesome group of people, share memories, and groove to your favourite hits.

      What’s Your Battle Song?

      Oh yeah, here are my #mybattlesong ‘s.  They are both by Britney 😃

      Tell us your Battle Song in the Comments!

      Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.
      And we are all over Instagram.

      Join us on Battle of the #1 Hits!

      Find out more about the show here:

      Lady Gaga Vs Ray Parker Jr

      Christina Aguilera Vs The Troggs

      Taking the Battle to Facebook Live!

      Steve & Candy will Bring Battle of the #1 Hits to Facebook Live

      Yes, our remaining March shows are cancelled BUT! We are coming to you live on Facebook and / or YouTube. Watch the main window on the Toronto Song Project Home for tests and updates. You shared so many great, personal Battle Songs with us! Candy and I will play them, and we’ll let you vote on the best song! Keep coming back to this page for more. Watch the window on our Home Page Doing …

      MoreTaking the Battle to Facebook Live!