New on the Toronto Music Scene TILSEN wows with her debut single HURTS. With Steve at Pop Music Toronto, they celebrate Record Store Day 2019 by rummaging for their favorite, all-time albums.
Record Store Day 2019
What better way to spend record store Day 2019, then to interview a brand new exciting Toronto artist like Tilsen.
I met with Tilsen at pop music Toronto in the Broadview & Gerrard area.
Nothing to me is more exciting than talking musical influences, especially with someone who songs I totally relate to.
Debut single HURTS
New on the Toronto Music Scene with TILSEN: I began by asking her about her new single hurts, which was released just a little over a month ago.
To my surprise, the song isn’t so much about a torrid love affair, but more about the power that the people you love have over your emotions.
First Encounter at Toronto’s Rivoli
I caught TILSEN’s performance at the Rivoli on Queen West in Toronto. It was a stripped down performance with acoustic guitar and some light electronic accompaniment
I was immediately taken with TILSEN’s music and the quality of her songwriting. Every song was catchy and had an immediate emotional pull. I knew right away I needed to interview her.
Albums that changed our lives
Nothing to me is more
This is when I invited Tilsen on a scavenger hunt of the pop music Toronto record store, to show me the songs and albums that influenced her the most.
Here is what she pulled. The Beatles Sergeant Pepper, The Beach boys pet sounds, Britney Spears hit me baby One More Time,along with albums by Johnny Cash, Bruce Springsteen, Bjork, and MGMT.
As for me, my first big album discoveries were Abba arrival, the rolling Stones hot rocks, and pretty much the clashes entire catalog.
missing from this
Toronto Music Scene with TILSEN
Tilsen promises to release a new single every two months until her EP comes out before the end of the year. I don’t know if I can wait that long.
Please keep following. I will visit her hopefully on the set of her new music video.
More on the Toronto Music Scene
What is Toronto Song Project?
Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.
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