What’s Your Battle Song?

Battle of the #1 Hits Live at The Jester on Yonge

Tell us what’s your battle song! Come and celebrate the songs that pump you up and get you ready to face a challenge! Battle of the #1 Hits – My Battle song is happening in Mid-Town! Friday March 20 – 8 pmThe Jester on Yonge1427 Yonge St (@ St Clair)FREE Tell us your Battle Song in the comments below! Imposter Syndrome Do you have a battle song?  I call it an I’m-Gonna-Make-It-Song.  Whenever I have …

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The Songs That Make You Strong!

Battle of the #1 Hits live in the Junction March 26 2020

Hello West Toronto! Steve & Candy Surprise are bringing the show to the Junction! Celebrate the songs that make you strong on… Battle of the #1 Hits – My Battle Song! Thursday March 26 – 8:30 pmAxis Gallery & Grill3048 Dundas St. West (@ High Park)FREE Hello West Toronto! Steve and Candy Surprise bring their fun, lively, and LOUD music game show to the Junction! Imposter Syndrome Do you have a battle song?  I call …

MoreThe Songs That Make You Strong!

Grammys Winners and Losers!

Battle of the #1 Hits Grammys Edition, Live at the Jester on Yonge in Toronto

Battle of the #1 Hits Grammys Edition Friday January 17 – 8 pmThe Jester on Yonge 1427 Yonge St (@ St. Clair)FREE Singalong, laugh, party, and be LOUD at Toronto’s best music social! Show at 8pmPost show party at 10:30pm Sing up at Eventbrite What is Battle of the #1 Hits? Tell us your favourite hit song. Your song faces a challenger’s song. Perform a Music Challenge on stage to get audience votes and win …

MoreGrammys Winners and Losers!

New Songs Vs Old Songs in the Junction!

Battle of the #1 Hits at Junction City Music Hall: New Hit Songs Vs Old Hits

Battle of the #1 Hits Presents: New Songs Vs Old Songs in the Junction! Sunday November 24 – 7 pmJunction City Music Hall 2907 Dundas St W (@ Keele)FREEDoors at 6 Singalong, laugh, party, and be LOUD at Toronto’s best music social! Join us on Facebook: Battle of the #1 Hits Presents: New Songs Vs Old Songs in the Junction! What is Battle of the #1 Hits? Tell us your favourite hit song. Your song …

MoreNew Songs Vs Old Songs in the Junction!

Halloween Battle of the One Hit Wonders!

Battle of the #1 Hits Presents: Halloween Battle of the One Hit Wonders! Wednesday October 30 – 7:30 pmThe Jester on Yonge1427 Yonge St (@ St Clair)FREE Join Halloween Battle of the One Hit Wonders on Facebook! Why One-Hit-Wonders? Spend some time looking at the history of the Billoard Hot 100 and you will be astonished by the outsized roll that One-Hit-Wonders have played in making of hit songs. When you think about it, artists …

MoreHalloween Battle of the One Hit Wonders!

80s Edition at The Lodge!

Battle of the #1 Hits is Live: Special 80s Edition at the Lodge! Monday September 23 – 7 pmThe Lodge (upstairs at O’Grady’s) 518 Church St, Toronto (@ Maitland)FREE Join 80s Edition at The Lodge! on Facebook The 80s: What the hell happened? Hosts Steve & Quxxn Brink explore the confusion and depravity of this still misunderstood decade. Yet out of that came some fabulous musical trends that are still being copied today! Play the …

More80s Edition at The Lodge!

Lady Gaga Vs Ray Parker Jr

It's Lady Gaga vs Ray Parker jr. on Battle of the number one hits summer edition!

It’s Lady Gaga vs Ray Parker jr. on Battle of the number one hits summer edition!

There is a lot to unpack with this episode!

Meet the Quxxn!

Wait, did I mention I have a new guest co-host? Quxxn and I hit it off immediately. We both love pop music singing to pop music and partying with a fun crowd of people.

Summer Hit Songs

First of all, the music battle happens between songs of the summer. As most pop music fans know, there’s an official hit to every summer, the song of the summer, what you hear blasting from cars and clubs and Bluetooth speakers at the beach.

Top 10 Summer Songs for Every Summer

We cheated a little. Seeing as we had a list of 10 songs for every summer on the Billboard hot 100 from 1958 to 2018, we decided to pick and choose. We look for songs that would resonate with our audience.

I’ll post the full list of all 600 songs and you can let me know if you agree with our choices.

Disco Stick, Love Game, whatever…

2nd and slightly embarrassing, we keep calling Lady Gaga’s song Love game, disco stick. and while we were clearly in the wrong, I hope that it makes artists rethink the practice of not naming your song for the most obvious hook. clearly, disco stick stands out way more than love game.

Who ya gonna call?

Ghostbusters from 1984 was another big summer hit. Again, we cheated here a little. The billboard song from that summer is eye of the tiger from Survivor. However we featured that song in our last live show, and we didn’t want to revisit it right away.

I asked during the show if Ray Parker jr. Is the son of someone famous. I think I got him mixed up with another one hit wonder from that. In the 80s, Rockwell and somebody’s watching me. Rockwell is the son of Berry Gordy Jr, founder of Motown records.

The Corn Job

Finally, I should have dress Stephanie’s summer memory of being photographed performing a corn job. I do remember that, and yes it was highly inappropriate of me to post that publicly on Facebook. My bad. It was 2009. A very different world. A whole other planet when you’re talkin social media.

As always, thanks for watching. Stay tuned and I’ll post our list of number one Summer songs according to the Billboard hot 100.

Lady Gaga Vs Ray Parker Jr

Lady Gaga versus Ray Parker jr. is only one small example of the fun we have on Battle of the number one hits. If you’re in the Toronto area, come and experience the show live. It’s social, it’s Lively, it’s a great opportunity to bond with people over music, and relive some of your best memories. It’s the best new event on the Toronto music scene.

Please like and subscribe for more Battle of the number one hits!

Please join us and subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Agonvoca0rd_GA4uDymmA

Toronto Song Project is a work in progress and will only get better with your feedback!  Please leave a comment below and find us on social media.

Official home: https://torontosongproject.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/torontosongproject/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/torontosongproj

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torontosongproject/

Christina Aguilera Vs The Troggs

It's all about the summer hits in the first round of Battle of #1 hits summer edition: Christina Aguilera Vs The troggs

It’s all about the summer hits in the first round of Battle of #1 hits summer edition: Christina Aguilera Vs The troggs

See the show LIVE: https://torontosongproject.com/live-at-the-linsmore-tavern/

Watch more battles: https://torontosongproject.com/new-music-vs-old-music-live/

Round 1

In this first round, Steve and guest host Queen compare number one hits on their birthdays. While in reality this is Gen x vs. Gen z, Christina Aguilera versus The troggs clearly pits millennials against baby boomers.

Christina Aguilera in Genie in a bottle take on The troggs with Wild thing!

Introducing Quxxn!

I am so excited to be hosting Battle of the number one hits with my special guest co-host Quxxn.

So for the first round, I thought let’s compare birth dates.

Summer Hit Songs

This series is all about summer hits. The number one hits of every summer from 1958 to 2018. you know, those number one hits that happen every summer, that you hear blasting from cars with open windows, at the beach, those songs that celebrate the freedom of Summer.

Battle of the #1 Hits

Get ready for it – Queen is born in 1999. She’s just barely legal in this bar.

So it’s 1999 versus 1966, the year I was born, when modern rock was barely in its infancy.

Billboard Number One Hits

How much of a difference does 33 years make when it comes to number one Billboard hits?  Is there a common theme that runs through number one Summer songs?

Christina Aguilera Vs The Troggs

And most important: who will win the battle of the number one summer hits? Christina Aguilera or The troggs?

You have to watch to find out.

Do you like to sing?  Do you have a story?  Join Toronto Song Project: https://torontosongproject.com/

Toronto Song Project is…

Your voice, your song.  A Video and Social Media series focusing on local talent and their unique life journey using music. Each ten-minute episode follows director and songwriter, Steve Diguer throughout the great city of Toronto, on his quest to find a unique, passionate music lover with a talent for singing and an interesting story to tell.  Steve then uses their story to write an original song for them to sing, while filming the entire journey.

This is a show about singing, songwriting, and unique storytelling.

Please join us and subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Agonvoca0rd_GA4uDymmA

Toronto Song Project is a work in progress and will only get better with your feedback!  Please leave a comment below and find us on social media.

Official home: https://torontosongproject.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/torontosongproject/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/torontosongproj

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/torontosongproject/

Live at the Linsmore Tavern!

Live at the Linsmore Tavern

Battle of the #1 Hits is Live at the Linsmore Tavern! Thursday August 8 – 8pmLinsmore Tavern1298 Danforth Ave (At Greenwood Subway Station)FREE Join Live at the Linsmore Tavern! on Facebook Is Ariana Underated? Is music better now? Or was it better back in the day? Are the Beatles and Prince Overrated? In 50 years, will Ariana Grande be recognized as a musical Genius? I can hear your shouts of indignation yet my 11 year …

MoreLive at the Linsmore Tavern!

Battle of the #1 Hits – Summer Edition

Battle of the #1 Hits - Summer Edition

Play Battle of the #1 Hits – Summer Edition with Steve & Quxxn! Bring a summer memory to the stage, discover the Number One Billboard Summer Hit from that day, and vote on the best song! A super fun, lively, social night out. Monday July 22 – 7pmThe Lodge (O’Grady’s Upstairs)518 Church St. Toronto It’s the best Toronto Music Event! Battle of the #1 Hits – Summer Edition Find us on:Meet UpFacebook Make sure to subscribe …

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