LYRICS and SONG INSPIRATION: Steve make a bullet point summary of the main elements of Shawn’s Story. How does this help to writing song lyrics? Breaking down Shawn’s story helps us find which parts will have the most emotional impact. And there is one last little interview nugget I had to share: All Shawn’s Mom’s boyfriends bought him Barbies.

Watch Shaw’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Previous Episode: CHILDHOOD MEMORIES Toronto Stories

Shawn’s Story

Here are the main pieces of Shawn’s story that I list in the video:

  1. His Free-Range Childhood
  2. His Teen Mom: She neglected him and later committed suicide
  3. The “Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me” moment.
  4. His newfound love of Horses
  5. The realization that the his happiness took hold when he stopped feeling sorry for himself

Emotional Bang

Shawn is not a cry-er, that was obvious the moment we started to talk. Full disclosure, he even warned me when I approached him about appearing on the show, that he would not cry.

Yet you can feel that the memories hold a lot of power still. If I had to pick one, and only one, that would deliver an emotional impact for him, it would be the story of when his Mom chased him throughout the house, then caught him and kissed him everywhere.


That said, there really is a pretty rich “tableau” of images in Shawn’s story, even going back to when he was made to parade down the street like a model in high heels and towels for a dress and hair, by his warped Aunts. As I mentioned, the latter two events likely won’t make the cut.

I want to resist the urge to write something dark. Shawn’s song should be about who he is today. Shawn’s story is about overcoming pain, loneliness, rejection, and loss. Shawn doesn’t dwell in these feeling and neither should his song.

Writing Lyrics

Most successful songs celebrate the human spirit. They celebrate resilience and strength, and overcoming the worst of circumstances. Even if the message is simply, “I’ll live one more day.” And that’s a great place to start when you’re searching for LYRICS and SONG INSPIRATION

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.



08 Childhood Memories Toronto Stories

CHILDHOOD MEMORIES Toronto Stories: Shawn takes Steve and Tamara for a trip down memory lane, recalling childhood memories, sharing the real stories of his life at Humber Bay. Funny and a little traumatic.

Watch Shaw’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Previous Episode: SONGWRITING: ISO the AHA Moment

Miss Me, Miss Me, Now You Gotta Kiss Me

This is the house where Shawn recalls that one amazing night, where his Mom chased him through the house and kissed him everywhere. This was the one night she was able to make him feel unique, wanted, and loved. I’m so touched by how he holds onto this moment today, and cherishes it as the most important moment at this address, and likely of his entire childhood.


Aside from making me miss my own Mom terribly, Shawn’s trip down memory lane is really remarkable. The basement apartment, his free range childhood, when seen through the eyes of a kid probably don’t seem that bad at all.

Make sure to watch and listen to the stories of Shawn’s aunts. I can’t decide if I’m in love with them or horrified by them. Shawn was able to take their unique taunting and torment like a champ. Through a 2019 lens, they’re kind of monsters.

Okay, it’s better when Shawn tells it, but to illustrate their idea of fun, Shawn tells the story of how they locked him outside in his underwear. They also dressed him and his friend up, wearing towels for hair and dresses and paraded them up and down the sidewalk in high heels.

Young You

I really hope you enjoy the Young You part of the interview. It really made us laugh. I love that I was able to pick Shawn’s drag name.

It’s a frame of reference, and kind of go-to for me in life. I often ask myself what Young Me would think of my situation, especially in times of doubt.

If you find you’re questioning your life decisions or current situation, there’s a good chance that Young You is pretty wow-ed by what you’re doing.

There’s no way around it. Shawn grew up in difficult circumstances. I’m certain his family would qualify as poor.

Yet again, through a kid’s eyes, living with 8 peope in close quarters, and running around exploring the river, the forest, and playing baseball with the neighborhood kids would be pretty amazing.

You work your ass off to provide a big house full of rooms and privacy for your family, when all they really want is to be close to you. It’s worth thinking about. :

That’s my takeaway from CHILDHOOD MEMORIES Toronto Stories

And here’s a photo of my Mom, Catherine Diguer. In spite of being in good health, she died quite unexpectedly at 80 from heart problems. When she smiled at you, it was impossible to not fall completely in love with her.

My Mom, Catherine Diguer.  Gone way too soon.  I miss her so much sometimes I can barely stand it.
Steve’s Mom, Catherine Diguer (1936-2017)

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.




Steve, in search of that Aha Moment, faces the challenges of coming up with a unique melody and lyric for Shawn’s song.

Watch Shaw’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Next Episode: CHILDHOOD MEMORIES Toronto Stories
Previous Episode: WHITNEY, MOM, DAD, Smiling at Me


Believe in the process. Steve knows that 90% of coming up with a good song is just putting in the work. Still, he wishes the ideas would come sooner. A good song appears to him as an Aha moment. After several hours, he’s still looking at a blank page. W


I’m making this out to be painful, though in the end, it’s a really sweet way to spend your day. The only thing that makes the songwriting process challenging is having an actual deadline. I think most songwriters know when they’ve stumbled upon something special.

Shawn’s unique story

For now, we aren’t looking to define the elements of Shawn’s song, or combine all the different parts of his story. We’re looking for a hook or a title. Something that sticks.

Trust the process

For most of us, that SONGWRITING: ISO the AHA Moment comes at the end of a lot of hard work, a lot of forgettable ideas, a trash bin overflowing with discarded ideas.

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.

WHITNEY, MOM, DAD, Smiling at Me

Whitney, Mom, Dad, Smiling at Me

Whitney, Mom, Dad, Smiling at Me

Aside from wanting his Mom back, what Shawn desires the most is a closer relationship with his family. And Love.

Watch Shaw’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Next Episode: SONGWRITING: ISO the AHA Moment
Previous Episode: Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback

In Episode 5

With everything Shawn has been through, it’s touching and reassuring to see him in a good place today.

Two things are intriguing to me while hearing Shawn’s story.

The first, is how easy Shawn is to relate to. He feels like a neighbor, a friend, a coworker. I more often go through my day, not especially curious to hear the life stories of the people around. me.

Hearing Shawn’s story reminds me of the benefits of listening.


The second striking part of Shawn’s story is his resilience, his ability to overcome the pain and rejection he suffered from his Mom’s neglect, and her suicide. I am always intrigued by how some people are able to overcome trauma, while others seem to carry their pain with them, turn to drugs, or repeat the pattern of abuse dealt to them.

Whitney, Mom, Dad, Smiling at Me

Spending time in a room with Shawn, getting to know him, I feel like I’m with someone who is thriving. He’s curious, charming, kind… he feels grateful for what he has, never entitled.

Two Epiphanies

Aside from wanting his Mom back, what Shawn desires the most is a closer relationship with his family. And love. This comes as something of a revelation to Shawn, who seems surprised by his own candor.

The second epiphany comes when Steve asks who or what turned things around for him. Shawn reveals that his secret was to simply stop feeling sorry for himself.

This comes as a big epiphany, and a great interview moment. On camera, Shawn realized that he has himself to thank largely for the great things that have happened to him in the second half of his life.

As an interviewer, I can tell you this is about as good as it gets! And as a songwriter, I think I might have my hook.

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.

Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback

Mind, Body, Soul: Horseback Riding

Shawn discovers Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback : that horseback riding is the best medicine against the sadness of his Mom’s death by suicide, and dealing with his own depression.

Watch Shaw’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Next Episode:


Shawn bought Filo on a whim. It was an impulse purchase. He turned out to be a source of sanity. Shawn finds out that he too, like his Mom, suffers from depression. He is not on any meds. His doctor confirms… Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback is the best medicine. Steve Tamara and Shawn drive to stables to meet Filo.

Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback

This was a really satisfying day for both me and Tamara. We had just completed our first singer interview together, and we were both feeling great about the result.

Outside of our comfort zone

Our focus was to have a successful shoot. As soon as we got into the car and headed for the stables, the day suddenly felt much different, like a reward, or a field trip. Tamara and I rarely get to leave the city, much less go to a stable with horses. Being out in the country felt so good after the anxiety we felt in preparing and taping Shawn’s interview. As simple as the interview might have a appeared, we did stress about how it would go.

Shawn’s Story

For Shawn, I think it was an opportunity to show us his world. Filo, his horse, was so important to his life now. Riding Filo and caring for him is an important part of who Shawn is.

The journey of Toronto Song Project

What resonated with Tamara and me, was the potential of where the series could take us. Filming in an apartment downtown and then traveling to a Stable out in the country on the same afternoon… it felt like a world away from where we lived. And as you saw, Tamara got to ride a horse for the first time and discover mind, body, soul on horseback. And I always love a good road trip.

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.

Just The Two of us: PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS

Just The Two of us PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS

Just The Two of us: PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS

Shawn tells the story of his Mom and their short life together. “It was so rarely just the two of us.” She was very young, she neglected him, and suffered from mental health issues, though he recalls one night where everything was magical.

Watch as a playlist
Watch the full episode

Next Episode: Mind, Body, Soul on Horseback


Steve asks Shawn if he has any memories of his childhood that stand out. His Mom was not around a lot when he was young.

Just The Two of us: PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS

Shawn tells the story of a normally typical night where his Mom was putting on her makeup, getting ready to go out on a date. She playfully swatted at Shawn, wo which he replied “Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me!”

Missed me, missed me, now you gotta kiss me

She put down her makeup brush and chased him all through the house. She caught him and kissed him everywhere, creating the most magical memory of his childhood. As Shawn says it was ” Just The Two of us: PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS .

Ups and downs

Shawn’s Mom was bipolar, and just like there were ups, there were downs. After one unsuccessful attempt, she took her own life when Shawn was 16.

Blaming himself

For years Shawn blamed himself. When asked if there were any events in his life that compare to his special memory of the night where she chased him, Shawn says yes: galloping through the field on his horse. Pure love, pure bliss.

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.

I HAVE NOTHING Most Important Song To Me

I HAVE NOTHING Most Important Song

I HAVE NOTHING Most Important Song To Me

Shawn tells Steve about his love for Whitney Houston, his teen mom, and a family life that was “definitely not LEAVE IT TO BEAVER.”

Watch Shawn’s series as a playlist
Watch Shawn’s full episode

Next Episode: Shawn 3 Just The Two of us: PURE LOVE, PURE BLISS

In Episode 2

Steve and Tamara arrive at Shawn’s building in Toronto’s booming Mid-Town area, near Yonge and Eglinton.

Steve and Shawn have a heartfelt conversation about his childhood, where Shawn reveals what it was like to grown up with with almost no supervision.

I HAVE NOTHING Most Important Song To Me

Shawn recalls being in gym class as a kid. Whitney Houston started to play on the sound system. “I Have Nothing is the most important song to me”, because it made it made him realize he could sing. “That sounded kind of good” was Shawn’s reaction.

Teen Mom

Shawn’s childhood in Toronto’s West End was pretty much unsupervised. His Mom had him young, at 15. “She was still a child herself” he reasons. He has fond memories of playing with neighborhood kids and exploring the Humber River.

“Definitely NOT Leave it to Beaver.”

They were 8 family members living in a two-bedroom apartment. Shawn was very shy back then, not like he is now. He got very little attention at home.

Shawn, the singer

Shawn would wait more than ten years before singing in front of an audience, a full decade after his “I Have Nothing” Whitney moment. Why? We reveal the tragic story in Episode 3.

More Singers

Check out our other signers on Toronto Song Projec. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.



Steve writes REAL SONGS for REAL PEOPLE. With Tamara, he prepares to meet their first singer of a brand new season of Toronto Song Project: Shawn Costanzo.

Watch as a playlist
Watch the full episode

Next Episode: Shawn 2 I HAVE NOTHING Most Important Song

In Episode 1

Steve is super excited to launch a brand-new season of Toronto Song Project. This time it’s just Steve and Tamara roaming the city of Toronto, looking for unique and undiscovered singing talent.

Steve Writes Real Songs for Real People

While there is an abundance of singing talent in Toronto, Steve is focussed on everyday real people, and their stories.

Meet Shawn, the First Singer of the New Season

Steve introduces Shawn. Steve doesn’t know much about his story. He has heard Shawn sing and that was enough to convince him that Shawn would be his perfect first candidate.

Why Toronto Song Project?

Steve and Tamara reveal their personal reasons for making the show.

Tamara’s goal: make it into the world of video production. She shows off an inexpensive trade trick of using bounced light to enhance a scene.

Tamara currently works in a bar and at a cafe. That is where the two met.

Steve has enjoyed a solid career producing music and videos for clients, mostly television broadcasters. However, all of these jobs come with parameters. They have to please broadcasters and their audiences.

With Toronto Song Project, Steve’s goal is to meet every day, real people and write them real songs.

They arrive at Shawn’s building in Toronto’s booming Mid-Town area, near Yonge and Eglinton.

More Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.

A Folk Artist with a Video Camera: Steve Featured in Radio Interview on Radio-Canada

Listen to reporter Elvis Nouesmi Njike’s reaction as Steve describes his vision for Toronto Song Project: Travelling Canada and creating a snapshot of our people and this time in history with the stories and songs of everyday people. And it all starts here in Toronto.

Click the play button above Steve’s photo Read the story here (French Language). and read the story:

Huge thanks to
Elvis Nouesmi Njike and the team at Y’a pas deux matins pareils.


Hector Xpinoza: Toronto is the BEST CITY!

Hector Xpinoza: Toronto is the BEST CITY!

Hector Xpinoza: Toronto is the BEST CITY! Haga clic en AJUSTES para subtítulos en ESPAÑOL

Hector Xpinoza is way more shy than you’d think after watching his music video TURN ME ON.  Another surprise: his favourite city.  Spoiler alert: it’s us!

First Artist Interview

Steve meets popular Miami dance / pop singer Hector Xpinoza for a fun and touching interview about love, seduction, and a song about loss that is so special to Hector it’s painful for him to sing.

Based in Miami

Originally from Mexico, Hector Xpinoza calls Miami home. His Spanish language music does really well in Mexico. Like so many Spanish language singers, he’s taking a crack at the English language market.

For his new dance track, he connected with German DJ R:J:C. It’s a solid dance number with some tight builds, and an awesome groove.

Surprised and charmed

Hector Xpinoza in person is not what you see in his music videos. He’s unassuming, even a little shy. This came as a surprise, given that he’s pretty bold in his video for Turn Me On. I’m pleased to say I like both versions of him.

Hector Xpinoza: Toronto is the BEST CITY!

I genuinely think Hector is sincere when he says Toronto is his favourite city to visit.

He was already having a blast when his manager connected with me online about doing an interview. I’m always encouraged when I hear an artist is open to doing an activity or something fun and playful, and willing to talk about subjects outside of his latest single.

When we were done filming, Hector was beaming. He had a total blast. He Instagrammed immediately after that he just experienced one of the best interviews of his life.

More interviews?

Watch Singers tell their stories on Toronto Song Project
Watch Shawn Costanzo: His Teen Mom, Her Tragic Life.

I really enjoyed hosting my interview with Hector Xpinoza. It’s a nice counterbalance to my singer interviews on Toronto Song Project that tend to be much longer and involve some pretty heavy emotions.

I’ve been behind the camera for much, much longer than I’ve worked as a host and an interviewer. Having worked with a multitude of talented hosts, it’s good to see I picked up some skills on the way.

Reaching out to Toronto Artists

Looking forward to reaching out to more Toronto talent, and putting us both on the map!

Watch Hector Xpinoza: Toronto is the BEST CITY! on IGTV

Watch R:J:C Feat. Hector Xpinoza: TURN ME ON.

Discover Other Great Singers

Check out our other signers. Everyday real people who share their unique stories about overcoming pain and abuse and learning to thrive. Watch as Steve captures their unique stories with real songs about their lives.

What is Toronto Song Project?

Toronto Song Project is a Web Series where Steve searches the city for Real People with Real Stories, then writes them a real song based on their life events.

Make sure to subscribe to us on YouTube.

And we are all over Instagram.